Home Buyers Assistance Gives Back to Children in need.
Sponsoring children’s organizations locally and world-wide.
Compassion International provides medical checkups, tutoring, mentoring and the opportunity to hear about Jesus. Sponsored children stay in school longer and are more likely to hold salaried jobs and become community leaders in adulthood.
The Playmakers
Coach Roz and his team are changing the lives of disadvantaged kids in the Sacramento Region. Through character and leadership modeling, academics and fitness, they are giving youth tools to rise above their children to break the cycle of poverty to become contributing citizens in their community.
We donate to APM cares and they provide help to our community.
Our parent company is American Pacific Mortgage (APM). My branch takes a portion of our income and puts it in an APM Cares fund that gets disbursed each year to needy families.
Powerhouse Ministries of Folsom, CA

Jim Langdon donates 5000.00 in May to Powerhouse Ministries
Building Homes In Mexico
Jim Langdon is passionate about helping kids and improving communities. If you would like to learn more about the causes we contribute to, give Jim a call or text at 916-717-5626.